This is an easy 2.1km loop near Dunethin lake and Maroochy river between Yandina & Bli Bli.
Lake Dunethin is popular for canoeing/kayaks.
Activities: Walking, dog walking, fishing, canoeing.
Parking: Along Lake Dunethin road near scout camp off Pearce rd and Yandina Bli Bli road.
The trail starts near the pier where you can walk out to get good views over the lake. Then continue along Dunethin rock road until you reach Maroochy river. Turn right and head up to ‘the rock’.
Dunethin rock isn’t anything spectacular, its just a large rocky outcrop where you have great views of Mt Ninderry and Mt Coolum and surrounding farmland.
To make this walk a loop, after exploring the ‘rock’ you can continue along the quiet gravel road on Dunethin rock rd, then take a right onto Pearce rd back to your car.
Views from the Rock
Views of Mt Coolum and Mt Ninderry from the rock.
Dunethin Lake
Part of the Maroochy river canoe trail you can launch a canoe here or hire one from the scout camp opposite.
Dunethin Rock
The Trail
Picnic Areas
“In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks.”
John Muir